
“Friendship is common ground on a battlefield. True friendship is solidifying that common ground on a battlefield.” First and foremost, we are true friends to one another. Knowing of each other for years, we just became friends in the same year that we’ve decided to become business partners. Truthfully, what brought us close together was theĀ  common ground we’d shared. Both strongly opinionated, humanitarian-like characteristics, complex mindsets, fierce and mentally unstoppable. We share obvious similarities such as being women, colored, short and having body art. We are also obviously at oppositions, to those who truly know us. Odalys Cortes, born September 7th, 1995, was raised in Atlanta her whole life. Asia Colvin, born February 3rd, 1997, was raised in Atlanta, but not for her whole life. The rest, we will leave up to the podcasts for our audience to find out. This podcast means so much to us, because as we learn and experience, we get to share those things with whomever chooses to listen. As human beings, as introverts, and as colored women, feeling alone in this world and feeling minuscule is a common feeling. With this podcast, for just some time out of your day you do not have to feel alone or like you can’t relate to anyone else. You’re not alone, you’re never alone. With so much love – Dynamic Duo.